Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Off he goes!

Alex has taken one more step towards being a full fledged "kid", he's not my little toddler anymore. Brian decided it was time to take off his training wheels. Just a little while later, my big boy was riding like a pro.

I have BOYS.

We have had a lot of rain the past few weeks. The other day the boys were playing in their rooms, it was raining and I was making dinner. It was a perfect, quiet, peaceful rainy evening. And then - from outside - I heard Alex go "wa-ha-hoooo!" Anyone that knows Alex can imagine that noise! I looked outside and there he was, covered in the mud. So I grabbed the camera and let Jason go out too. It's just as easy to clean two boys up as it is to clean up one!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rain, rain, go away!

The rain spoiled our plans to go to the lake today - but we had fun anyways. We decided to go to the dinosaur museum - again. Those two boys could spend an entire day between the water station and the "dig." The best pictures - in my humble opinion - came from the truck on the way there. A front double bi AND the famous ninja eyes in one picture. Priceless. :)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

4th of July!

We started the 4th with a fun bike parade for the kids in our neighborhood. Our new little neighborhood has a few retired women who love to organize events and this one was perfect. Led by a fire truck the little kids rode around the block and through our HOA. The boys were so excited to ride behind Drake - our 11 year old next door neighbor that they worship.

Alex's favorite part was the tour of the fire truck after the parade. He was in there for half an hour asking questions about everything. Now he's even more convinced than ever that he's going to be a firefighter when he grows up.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Pumpkin!

Jason spent his birthday in Canada, but we celebrated when he came home. :) After months of begging we granted Jason's wish and took everyone to Bananas. It was a blast! We all rode the gocarts, played in the arcade, drenched each other on the boats... and watched the big boys get in trouble - when telling us how NOT to drive the gocarts, the instructor used Mike as an example.

Pam & Jacob weren't there, and Steve of course is in Puerto Rico, so we weren't complete, but it was nice to have that many of us all together.

Mike the Headless Chicken Festival - May 20th 2006

One of the reasons I fell in love with this town is the quirky festival they call "Mike the Headless Chicken Festival." Apparently there was a chicken that survived a beheading 60 or so years ago. And so naturally there's a festiaval celebrating him. The boys had a blast riding the rides, but the best pictures are of them with their new friends - the chickens. Alex cried all the way home because he had to leave his chicken there. "I want to take him home and take care of him!"