Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Remember me?

I don't! I've been too busy to.

The good news is that the painting is finally done. Well, mostly. Brian still feels the need to paint some trim, we'll see if it gets done, he's running out of time! Now I just need to put our house together and do some yard work, laundry, dust, vacuum, make some sense of my kitchen cupboards... my company arrives in three days, maybe I don't have time to blog!

Of course, there's bad news too. My dryer died. Just quit working, I can't get it to turn on. Of course, it is older than I am. (No, seriously.) When we got married Grandmother bequeathed her set to us, the washer quit a few years ago and now the dryer has gone that way too. Brian could tell I was about to have a total nervous breakdown, so he rushed off to Lowe's and bought a new set for me. They'll be here tomorrow, I'm excited!

But you didn't come to listen to stories about painting and the dryer, did you?

So here are some munchkin pictures! First, taken the day before we left for Canada. The day I said, "This is your only set of clothes, don't get them dirty, I need almost everything to pack!" Fifteen minutes later...

Alex says the title of this one is "A Wet Moment." Not very creative with captions yet... give him time though!

They seem to be enjoying themselves in Canada. They entered several things in the local fair... here are pictures, sent to me by a very nice foreigner...

I'll try and get more pictures when I can... until then, stay tuned for (very late) 4th of July pictures and pictures of our trip to Montana!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer is hard work!

I had fully intended on getting my 4th of July post up before I left for the Long Drive North, but it just isn't going to happen.

Instead, here's a picture I took of Alex a few weeks ago. Summer is just so hard, even though we try and stick to a schedule.... it's summer! This picture is a few hours after soccer camp. Alex was just so tired he couldn't handle it anymore. He laid down on the floor and took a 2 hour nap, right in the middle of the living room and all the commotion.

When I found him he was completely spread out, like he was trying to do a snow angel in his sleep. Naturally he moved before I could get a picture.