Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Monday, January 26, 2009

X Games XIII

The planets somehow aligned perfectly, and Brian was off on a Saturday when we had nothing else scheduled. I heard on the radio that the X Games were in Aspen... so off we went!

Mike & Steve came to join us. I spent the entire day with a whole TON of testosterone, but it was fun!

This is after all of the boys tried their hand at "riding the hot sauce" in the Taco Bell stand. When we left, Steven had beaten the record of 41 seconds. Mike, I'm sad to say, didn't last as long as the boys!

Brian & Jason outside the City Market in Aspen. I wish our city market was as pretty as this one!

See that bag Brian's holding? Not only did he take me to Lush and not say a word about how much I spent, but he carried my bag for me. Until... he left it sitting next to that bench! When we realized it was missing an hour later he went back - and the bag was still there!

Our last event of the day was the snowmobile racing. Even I thought it was really fun! Here's a little video to get an even better feel.

The entire set of pictures is on Facebook:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

(And an update.)

I decided this week, for some reason, to cook a turkey. The boys were SO excited to eat the turkey legs! I did teach them table manners, I promise. (When they dug in grabbed my camera and took pictures, THEN I decided to remind them of how we eat!)

In other news... the most exciting thing is of course the new baby - Isabelle! Jason and Alex aren't that impressed. In fact, Jason's comment was "No offense, but she's really little."

Mike and Pam make cute kids, don't they? She's almost a month old already. I'm very excited to buy lots of pink things for her!

The boys both received awards for the second quarter. Jason's was a "PAWS" award, basically for good citizenship. They were focusing on "Always Being Honest" for the second quarter, and that's always been one of Jason's strengths. (See the comment about Izzy above!) Alex's was an award for being improved. He's worked so hard to pay more attention in class and not be a disruption, we're so proud of him!

The pictures in the gym are horrible, so I decorated and took pictures!

One final picture. Alex spent two days building this little town for Thomas. The marshmallows were all supposed to be people. (And the town became a ghost town roughly ten minutes after our pictures were taken!)