Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Playing Catch Up - Part Infinity

We are all still alive - just busy! The boys are enjoying a quiet half hour relaxing with their Dad, watching him play video games before it's bedtime. I just heard a sound I know to mean "You Died, Game Over" followed by a huge sigh from Brian. Alex, ever the smart 6 year old, said, "Is it time to take a break?"

For some reason this fall I've been uninterested in taking pictures, which really doesn't help the status of the blog! BUT - here's what we've been up to.

The boys did start school, and this year I remembered to have my memory card in the camera when I took pictures.

Jason started Cubs and it's his favorite thing ever. If he could, he'd spend all day every day getting things signed off! Here's his first big event, the Raingutter Regatta.

We lost our first pet, the amazing lizard Spotpit. I couldn't believe how sad I was, he was such a great pet. We took him down to the "woods" and buried him.

The boys thought they'd missed their annual lake trip with Nana & Granddad, but in September they decided to go! I even let Jason miss his first day ever of school to go.

We drove to meet them, and actually had fun waiting. Here's a picture of them pretending to be sad while they waited!

And they we had Halloween!

I'd promise to do better about updating in the future... but it's the holidays, so who knows what will happen!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ok, no more election commentary.

I did take this interesting quiz today, trying to find the "perfect" spot for me to live in.

Here's my top 12:

1. Grand Junction, CO
2. Moab, UT
3. Cedar City, UT
4. Estes Park, CO
5. Coeur d'Alene, ID
6. Moscow, ID
7. Toole, UT
8. Salida, CO
9. Springville, UT
10. Bozeman, MT
11. Page, AZ
12. Hickory, NC

So either I'm skewing my results, or we found the perfect place!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Commentary - from me!

I'm not going to go on and on about politics, if you'd like me to, give me a call, you know it's not hard to get me started! Right now I'm trying to decide if I should brave the crowds and chaos and go see John McCain speak with the boys. I want them to know how important it is to choose great leaders for our country.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, go vote! Even if you're not voting for my candidate, make your voice heard!

I thought I'd share one video that I've watched several times this election season. In college I spent some time with a group of men who had been forced to leave Iraq. They didn't talk much about it, but the little bit I did hear broke my heart. Most of them assumed they'd never get to see their families again. Saddam Hussien was a terrible man, and even though it's been a very bumpy ride, I know that we've given their families, and many others, a chance to be free.

If you have an extra minute, read his comments at the bottom, posted today.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Commentary - from the Munchkins

We try to be "fair and balanced" around here with the boys. They know we're voting Republican (well, we already have voted) but we've been careful not to bash any candidate or idea. In fact, I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to get Jason to stop believing the crazy ideas he comes home with. "Did you know if Obama wins he's going to turn all of the white people into slaves as payback?" "Did you know Obama wants to take everyone's guns?"

Anyways, in light of the historic election tomorrow, I thought I'd post some interesting conversations!

I was watching a Youtube clip (you know the one, about Obama's plan for the military) and Alex came in. I stopped it but he'd seen enough to ask, "Is Obama really going to get rid of the army?" I told him that he plans to cut funding for the military and stop the war in Iraq, but that we'll still have a military. He said, "that's OK, Canada will protect us!"

We were in the car discussing who Jason was going to vote for at school. He said he was voting for John McCain, and then Alex, to be contrary, said, "Well, I'm voting for Obama." I told him he'd probably end up with the winner and then I asked him why he preferred Obama. He said, "Well, I just disagree with McCain on policy and stuff." I asked which policies he disagreed with and he said "You know, the ones about people and stuff." I guess they DO listen, at least a little, to the grown up political conversations!