Brian, Jen & 2 Boys
All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nana & Grandad's marriage turns 30! And we celebrated at Lagoon. Because really - isn't that what every couple wants to do for their anniversary, spend the day at a theme park watching their grandkids so the "big kids" can ride rides! We made tshirts with their wedding photos, and printed shirts for the 3 little grandsons that said "My Nana & Grandad have been married for 30 years!" They seemed to have a good time, and we really enjoyed throwing them their Hawaii themed bash. I can't wait until they actually GO to Hawaii, I'm hoping they'll stalk the cast of Lost for me!