Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


More of my soccer stars.. special guest photographer Pam...

They're getting so much better! Jason is an amazing goalie and Alex... well, Alex is starting to focus a little more on the game. :)

Pumpkins - in a pumpkin patch! We had a blast at the pumpkin patch with the other Mommies & kids from church. The boys had a blast and somehow ended up with WAY more than the 2 kids per pumpkin limit!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Soccer stars in the making... This is the second year of soccer for Jason and the first for Alex. They're having a great time, and learning a lot. The 4 year olds mostly just run around the field in a pack after the ball, but the 6 year olds are really starting to get it. It's so fun to watch them!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

First day of school, August 21st. Such big boys, starting school on the same day! Jason is in first grade and Alex is in his last year of preschool.

Nana & Grandad's marriage turns 30! And we celebrated at Lagoon. Because really - isn't that what every couple wants to do for their anniversary, spend the day at a theme park watching their grandkids so the "big kids" can ride rides! We made tshirts with their wedding photos, and printed shirts for the 3 little grandsons that said "My Nana & Grandad have been married for 30 years!" They seemed to have a good time, and we really enjoyed throwing them their Hawaii themed bash. I can't wait until they actually GO to Hawaii, I'm hoping they'll stalk the cast of Lost for me!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Camping in Grand Mesa National Forest... Almost 2 months ago we headed up into the national forest and found the most amazing campsite. We had this grove and little lake all to ourselves. We rode our bikes, hung out and made S'mores. A perfect camping trip!