Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Catching up!

Ok, so I'm a little behind. I'll start with the most recent and then go back and pull out anything important I've missed from the fall. I thought I'd have more time when soccer was finished, but now I'm full on into the Christmas Panic season.

First, Brian is 30!! Yay! Now I'm not the only one. We had a great night last night. He came home, we gave him presents and then we all ate lasagna and cake. Perfect!

And... Thanksgiving! It was just the four of us, which was strange and sad and really great all at the same time. Instead of making everything I asked everyone what they wanted most, and just made those. There was still a TON of food though. It was great, we set the table (see the cute dishes from my Mom and my favorite orange glasses from my awesome friend Jenn?), lit candles and ate at the table for once!

And that's about it! I'll update more later!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

A conversation with my children.
(Looking at stamps for Trisha's baby shower invites.)

Jason: Is that girl pregnant?
Me: Yes she is.
Alex: What do you mean, pregnant?
Jason: She has a baby in her tummy, see?
Alex: No.
Jason: See how big her tummy is?
Alex: Nope. Hey, what if a baby came out two?
Me: You mean, two babies? Then you'd have twins!
Alex: No, just the baby came out and it was two, not a baby.
Me: Babies are born at zero after they spend nine months in the Mommy's tummy.
Jason: That's only 3 months less than a year!
Me: Yep, it takes a long time. Trisha's been pregnant forever, right, and it's not even close to time for her to have her baby.
Alex: Maybe Trisha will have two babies!
Me: Maybe! How long has Trisha been pregnant for?
Jason: Who knows? I don't keep track of that, I only keep track of soccer goals!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

You know, I've always wanted redheads.

And here are the boys as the Weasley's for Halloween this year. I didn't get any decent pictures, this was the longest I could get them to hold still!