Brian, Jen & 2 Boys

All about the four of us - a way for those of you far away to keep up on our adventures and a way for us to record them.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Long Trek North

Every summer the boys are lucky enough to spend some time in Canada with my parents.
This year we drove to Montana to meet Grandma & Grandpa since they were bringing the boys all the way back. It was a long drive, but we had fun!

I had planned to stop several times, take pictures as we headed into each new state... but we didn't leave early enough! We didn't even get to our hotel until 10pm. By then the boys were both tired AND antsy, so we spent the next two hours in the pool. The nice thing about swimming until midnight is that you have the pool all to yourself! Naturally, they wanted to be in different places. Alex couldn't stay out of the hot tub, and Jason wouldn't leave the pool!

The other nice thing about swimming until midnight? Once it's time to finally get in bed, you're TIRED!

The second day I finally got a "sign" picture. Here we are crossing the Continental Divide.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I've been a bad, bad blogger!

At 7 something this morning, my phone beeped with a text message. It was Kris, and it just said "you need to update your blog!" I guess if Kris can be up that early, I can update my blog. :)

I wasn't sure exactly where to start... but I already had video from the 4th of July uploaded, so the 4th it is! (Most videos are very, very short!)

Here's a general idea of how our 4th was - easy, mellow and calm. Well, as calm as it can be with the boys around anyways! (And by boys, don't think I mean just the small ones. The big ones can cause a lot of ruckus too!) We boated, we hung out, we talked, we played in the water. It was perfect. Mike's "girl" mix CD was the perfect soundtrack.

Mike has muscles, and he isn't afraid to show us all.

Jason & Caleb attempt to catch a lizard.

The big boys are, well, boys!

The little boys had a good time too! Jacob had fun in the dirt...

And Jason had fun paddling around in the water. He says his spine doesn't ever quite feel right if he's not in the water.

Alex caught a dead fish, and Daddy took it away. :(

But, this is ALEX, and just a minute later, he had it again.

Maggie is unreasonably adorable.

We ended the day with the grown ups totally exhausted, half asleep waiting for fireworks. The little ones weren't quite over the excitement though!

It really couldn't have been a better day. Thanks to everyone who helped make it so much fun, especially Mom & Dad for supplying the main attraction - the boat!